Sara Bangla Krishak Society

The leading voice of smallholder farmers for sustainable agricultural development In Bangladesh.

Sara Bangla Krishak Society

The leading voice of smallholder farmers for sustainable agricultural development In Bangladesh.

Sara Bangla Krishak Society

The leading voice of smallholder farmers for sustainable agricultural development In Bangladesh.

Ready To make a change?

Membership is open to smallholders-led Producer Organizations/women farmers association of Bangladesh.

SBKS has organized a consultation workshop on 24 August 2021 to share the PO-led proposal.

SBKS and MMI jointly organized a workshop on ‘Building Productive Alliance Amongst Public-Private-POs’ on 17 June 2021

Smallholder farmers export potatoes despite COVID-19 challenges

Farmers’ Organizations—Helping Communities Truly Thrive

What do people say about us?

In fact, when we first faced the lock down in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our livelihood, movement, even lives were at risk.. Road transport-all stopped at that time. But, does agriculture wait for anyone?

….as we learnt the use of mobile apps from SBKS and FAO-MMI, instantly after the lockdown, we took decision to start Virtual Call Center (VCC) to sell our produce and procure inputs. We are making profit by selling and buying together in this crisis.”
– Ms Salma Akhter
VCC Operator,
Dhontola IAPP Krishi Samobay Ltd. Bodorganj, Rangpur

“I want to say only one thing to the farmers: Let’s be united first, then there will be more hands to lend and we will have more power. With more power, we can face any challenge that comes.”

-Rita Bromo
SBKS leader